St. Patrick's Purgatory
Pettigo, County Donegal
An island of pilgrimage located close to Pettigo, County Donegal

Lough Derg lies about four miles north of the village of Pettigo in County Donegal. Station Island, the location of the Pilgrimage, is often referred to as Saint Patrick's Purgatory or simply Lough Derg. This is a special place of peace and personal challenge. This small lake-island, renowned in Irish Christian tradition since the time of St. Patrick, has been receiving pilgrims continuously for well over 1000 years.For many people Lough Derg provides an opportunity to step back from their lives, to take stock and examine the direction which their lives are taking. For many others it is a time to come closer to God through prayer and reflection.
Directions to St. Patricks Purgatory - Pettigo
A boat service runs from Pettigo Village to Lough Derg.
Sat Nav: 54.611843,7.871704
* Pictures; courtesy of photographic unit of the department of environment, heritage and local government.
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